> Latest News

2025-02-21 - USB MIDI Host box with a Raspberry PI Zero - more...
2025-02-04 - Mastering Chords Roman Numeral Notation - more...
2025-01-10 - SHLD MIDI Chords Pack Ripchord Presets - more...
2024-12-24 - Roland MV-1/MC-707 + Launchpad: Ableton-Style Live Setup - more...
2024-11-29 - How to move Ableton Live from PC to Mac? - more...
2024-10-14 - Ableton Move or Novation Circuit Tracks? - more...

shld music blog

Music blog

The SHLD Music and Marketing blog. Free MIDI chord packs and Sample packs. Live music tips and tutorials. Marketing for Music Producers

web design

Web Design

I love Web Design and Web Marketing! You'll see a few Responsive Web Site I've created, some with integrated Marketing Automation and online payment.

old floppy disks


Software done during my spare time: The Grepolis Victim Finder, TkUsr, PalmWac. And stuff for the Linksys WRT54GS WiFi router, more information about the packages I maintain for the Debian GNU/Linux project, etc.


Abstract photography. No effects, just unmodified shots.

Fb Hot product finder

Marketing tool

  • Fb Hot product finder is a simple yet effective tool to find hot products ADs video on Facebook™ to help you sense the Ad market, and make competitive research extremely easy. A little like Adspy Adsector but simpler and free.

Android and WebOS Open Source Portals

Open Source Portals


  • My RetroComputing Technical Page. Compare the technical characteristics of good old computers.