Debian Contributions
My favorite Linux distrib
For whose who may ask 'what's Debian ?': In short, maybe the most professional Linux distribution. No joke. Debian's user support was always much more efficient than RH when I needed it. And the packaging quality is one of the highest I know (for example, Tcl/Tk related packages are maintained by a Tcl specialist, not by a trainee with one week experience).
More details about my life as a Debian Developer:
- The Debian Packages I maintain.
- My Debian GPG Keys (Fingerprint: New: 8944 F03B 2DFC E015 306A CF36 3EAB B1CB 540A 7E68 , Old: 7542 10E3 8662 79DB 1123 D352 B119 5000 FD46 A698).
Also if you have an Asus EEEPC running Xandros, you'll find a few backports here (lastest UAE, xmame optimized for the EEE, etc).