So you have a Novation Launchpad X or Pro and Ableton Live but sometimes you are a little list during your Live set? What about adding a nice blinking led on your Launchpad to get beat visual feedback ?
First, you need to install the Max4Live script here: MIDI Visual Metronome
- create a new midi track
- set the output to your Launchpad, and the midi channel you want to send on
- place the M4L device in this track
- choose CC=99 for a LaunchPad X / Pro mk3
- change the values below to change the colors! (3 is a bright White and 6 a Red on my LaunchpadX)
And if you don't have Live Suite, you can still create an empty MIDI clip and create an automation envelope for CC 99, to control that LED, but of course, you'll need to start that clip to blink the LED. Using the M4L script you don't need to fire a MIDI clip.
- here is an example Visual metronome Ableton Clip
Now you can easily find the 1st beat if you’re a bit lost in your Live impro 😊
Here is what it looks like:
Do you have more live tips? Does it work with a Launchpad mini? Feel free to comment below 👍
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