MIDI Chords Pack Autumn 2024 - Always free

Published: Tue 24 November 2020
Updated: Fri 11 October 2024 by Ludo In Music
tags: chords ableton live chord pack Translations: es fr

You are frustrated by paid Midi Chord Packs, containing only 1200 Midi files? Yes, other Midi Chord Packs are either paid (like the Midi Chord Pack EssentialMidi or Unison) or very limited with a few dozen chords at most, but now you can download the most comprehensive Midi pack for free.

I give you My original Chord Pack which is both 100% free and diversified, containing more than 10000 chord files!

You only need your favorite DAW such as Ableton, Logic Pro, Cubase, Pro Tools, Reason or your AKAI MPC. And the .mid files of the pack work with and are playable by any virtual software instrument such as Kontakt, Massive, Xfer Serum, Sylenth1 and more!

Download the ZIP below, no risk to try it, I don't even ask for your e-mail to send you ads 😉!

Download now

If you want to support my work, and contribute to the release of other free packs, you can of course support me on my Patreon! 🙏

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Can I load the chord pack on my MC-707/101?

Yes! The .mid files can be imported to the Roland MC-707, MC-101 and MV-1. Simply extract the MIDI pack zip to your groovebox SD card under ROLAND/GROOVEBOX/MIDI. Then in Clip mode, select an empty clip and press the 'Value' knob, and choose 'LOAD MIDI'. Browse the content of the card and select your chord file. A dedicated Zip file contains only the chord progressions, to facilitate the installation.

Latest updates

I try to update the Midi Pack regularly when I get suggestions for chords and progressions.

Here is the list of the last modifications:

  • 11/Oct/2024:
    • 165 chord progressions.
    • 10 New Modal progressions, mostly based on Phrygian. Included the chord progression used in a song about Pyramids ;)
    • Modified c2m to have better sounding chords progressions when 2 notes are too close in the chord.
  • 14/Mar/2024:
    • 155 chord progressions.
    • New Modal progressions folder to separate classical minor and major progressions from more unorthodox, complex-sounding ones.
    • New Modal progressions by PopSchemes, Highroxx, and others inspired by Ben Harper or Hania Rani.
  • 11/Oct/2023:
    • 140 chord progressions including one from Venus Theory, Marcelo, and the CM exclusive ones.
    • More modal, borrowed and diminished chords used in progressions.
    • Used a modified Python Mingus lib to have more chords types and fix bad sounding 9th chords.
  • 6/Jan/2023:
    • 120 chord progressions. Minor, major progressions and cadences added.
    • Better sounding chords thanks to minor and major chords split in 'all chords' folders.
  • 23/Jun/2022:
    • Added 3 minor and 2 major chord progressions including the famous Andalusian cadence. 110 chords progressions per key.
  • 25/Nov/2021:
    • Added 5 chord progressions. We now have 105 progressions per key!
    • Added a ZIP containing only the progressions, for your MPC or Groovebox.
  • 11/Aug/2021:
    • Added 6 chord progressions. Now we have 100 progressions per key!
    • Fixed the numbering of minor chords.
  • 11/Apr/2021:
    • Added 8 chord progressions. Now we have 94 progressions per key. Fixed 1 chord progression.
  • 9/Feb/2021:
    • Added 5 new major and 5 minor chord progressions.
  • 13/Jan/2021:
    • Added the missing m7b9b5 chords
    • All chord progressions are now available in 4 rhythmic styles (basic, basic4, alt4, hiphop)
  • 19/Nov/2020:
    • Added 3 minor chord progressions. All chords are now 1 octave above.
  • 14/Oct/2020:
    • Fixed the chord progressions with borrowed chords. Added 3 progressions with a bVII chord.

chord pack overview

Content of the pack

  • A total of 10056 MIDI chords files. 838 MIDI files for each key.
  • 7920 chord progressions in major minor and modal tonalities: 165 progressions for each key and 4 styles.

The chords range from simple triads to 7th, 9th and all other advanced chords: sus2 sus4 add9 add11 6th dim6 7sus4 7+5 7+11 etc.

With this huge chords collection, you can cover all styles (Jazz, Pop, Hip-Hop, Trap, R&B and EDM). Try out chords that are out of the ordinary, without knowing anything about music theory.

Moreover, it's a collective project, you can contribute to new chord progressions on Github :)

Watch the small Youtube demo videos:

LD. --

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