Behringer Deepmind 6 vs Korg Minilogue XD

Published: Thu 12 August 2021
Updated: Wed 31 May 2023 by Ludo In Music
tags: synthesizer behringer deepmind minilogue xd korg

You'd like a great-sounding Analog synth for less than $500 or 500€? Do you hesitate between the Deepmind 6 and the Minilogue XD? Here is my guide to help you choose between those 2 polyphonic synths.

Why would I want to compare these two synths from Behringer and Korg? Because they share many characteristics, for example:

  • 12 oscillators, 2 per voice on the Deepmind, and 3 per voice on the XD
  • Versatile FX Engines
  • Complex modulation matrix
  • Polyphonic step sequencer
  • modulation and FX sequencing so that you're not limited to LFOs
  • CV input for external control of the modulation (2 CV inputs for modulation or CV+Gate on the Minilogue XD, 1 for modulation and 1 ARP Gate on the Deepmind) with modular gear
  • 37 velocity-sensitive keys
  • Chords and Arp modes

But also, many subtle differences, should help you to choose between the Minilogue XD and the Deepmind. Let's take a look.

Behringer deepmind 6 vs Korg minilogue xd

Deepmind 6 strengths

  • Full-size semi-weighted keys with aftertouch. On the Minilogue Xd you have mini-keys without aftertouch
  • 6 voice polyphony, with 2 analog oscillators (= 12 total voices)
  • 35 High-quality effects, with FX Engines powered by TC electronic & Klark Teknik and most important, a Juno-style chorus😁
  • 2- or 4-pole low-pass filter per voice
  • Flexible 8-channel modulation matrix with 24 sources and 132 destinations including effects parameters, and one control sequencer which can hold one modulation sequence
  • Better onboard sequencer interface thanks to the larger screen
  • 32 steps sequencer (16 steps on the XD)
  • IPad and Android apps to control nearly all the parameters of the synth

Minilogue Xd advantages

  • 4 voice polyphony but with 3 oscillators: 2 analog plus 1 digital oscillator (= 12 total voices)
  • More versatile waveforms plus a wavefolder, Ring modulation, and Cross mod
  • The 3rd oscillator can play any waveform (noise, FM, wavetables)
  • The digital oscillator can be upgraded with tons of oscillators available on the Internet. So that you can add FM, wavetable, or granular sounds to your patches
  • Less built-in effects but the FX engine can be extended with tons of effects downloadable for free!
  • 2-Pole filter with a drive circuit
  • endless modulation possibilities thanks to the motion sequencer. It can hold 4 modulation sequences per patch and 2 CV inputs. 4 modulations can be controlled by the XD joystick

Why would you choose the Deepmind 6?

You will choose the Behringer Deepmind:

  • If you prefer more classic analog tones and easily get Juno sounds, and you don't care about having more oscillator options
  • If you need a better keyboard with Aftertouch and Semi-weighted keys
  • If you prefer a better onboard sequencer and App control

Why would you choose the Minilogue XD?

You will prefer the Korg Minilogue XD:

  • If you want a more versatile sound, with both analog and digital options
  • If you want endless sound options thanks to the downloadable sound engines and FX engines
  • If you want a more compact form factor and you already have a better external MIDI keyboard

My preferred small Analog synth

I think that these 2 synths are among the best in their range. They are capable of all types of analog sounds, from Bass, Plucks to rich and evolving Pads. They both have great modulation options. The Deepmind 6 has more LFOs and envelopes, but the Minilogue XD can record easily 4 parameters in its motion sequencer just like 4 more LFOs.

But my preference goes to the Minilogue XD, for its open-source sound engine, and its multi-effects. You can evolve your basic 100% analog sounds to even richer sounds. A Prologue to Minilogue patch converter is also available on Github. You can even create your effects and sounds if you're good at programming, or simply download tons of free ones! And this is a unique and valuable possibility that exists for very few synths. You can hear some of the Minilogue XD sounds with my presets and samples collection.

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Feel free to comment below if you find more information about the XD and Deepmind 😊

LD. --

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